I helped to create 3D elements to visually portray what the actors are saying. Under direction of the senior 3D artists, I modeled and animated various building blocks to make up the animations. Specifically, items I modeled and animated include the kitchen doors, flying platter, boiling pot, pressure cooker, vegtables (pepper, apple, peach), papers, and city-scape. In addition to 3D animation assistance, I was also responsible for a good deal of matte creation and rig removal in all four Target spots.
Credits: TD/Lead Animator: Chad Ashley || Creative Director - Eric Anderson || Editor - Andrew Maggio || Producer - Colin Davis || Illustrator - Sarah Coleman || Animators - Amador Valenzuela, Nate Costa, Jason Esser, Aaron Becker, Eric Miro, Hung Le, Aaron Kemnitzer, Derek Hahn, Todd Kumpf, and Chris Green || Music - Mark Walk, Ophonic || EP - Kent Smith